Polymer density is generally measured within polymeric materials to understand the variations in structure and overall composition. It can also be used to evaluate material uniformity for application into various end use products.

Common Standards 

  • ASTM D792—Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement
  • ISO 1183—Plastics — Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics — Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pycnometer method and titration method

Our Expertise

Our experts can conduct testing to specific industry standards or design a custom protocol based on your product or material’s exact service environment. We have years of experience measuring density for a variety of polymer products and materials at our rubber testing lab.
We have extensive sample preparation facilities, including on-site molding, thickness reduction capabilities, and a CNC machine, which gives us the flexibility to test a wide variety of materials and product forms.
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