Testing adhesive bonds in packaging

Testing adhesive bonds in packaging

The PAPT 3 test machine is available to purchase directly from us, and enables you to perform tests on adhesives used in packaging.

What is the PAPT 3 machine?

Our unique PAPT 3 machine has been designed to allow complete control throughout testing of the key bonding process parameters: open time, contact time, contact pressure and application speed. Glue application weight and temperature are managed externally of the machine. This can all be run in combination with different packaging materials and process settings, providing fast, accurate testing. You can quickly validate production methods and material choice, preventing production delays and quality control issues for your clients.

Key product features:
  • Five bond rupture stations each with their own settings
  • Adhesive application – compatible with commercial hot melt applicators and cold water-based applicators used to control adhesive temperature and weight
  • Application speed – variable up to 0.8m/s
  • Open time – variable from 0.5s
  • Contact time – variable from 0.2s
  • Rupture speed – variable up to 250mm/s at constant velocity
  • Bond strength – measured by load-cell (maximum 10kg/25mm bond length, measured at 20mm/s rupture speed)
  • Bond compression – 0.5, 1.0, 1.5kg or 2kg/25mm bond length

Why should you purchase your own PAPT 3 machine?

Vital to adhesive and board manufacturers

As an adhesive manufacturer, you would be able to advise your clients what adhesives would work best for their packaging applications and better specify their performance attributes.

Alternatively, board manufacturers will get to see which adhesive products would be the best match for the materials that you create and the process they are designed to run on. Having this information will expand your knowledge and confidence in your own products and drastically speed up clients’ design processes.

With all the critical process parameters managed via the accompanying software, test results are consistent and repeatable, independent of the test operator.
Cost and time savings

Not only is the PAPT 3 machine incredibly fast, able to test samples at different open and setting times simultaneously, it also ensures that clients do not have to have any production down-time due to product failures which could have been prevented by having prior knowledge and understanding of how different adhesives and materials bond together.

Data is generated immediately, allowing you to quickly review specifications with ease and find optimal open and contact times.
It is versatile

As a piece of desktop equipment, the machine can be placed in various locations, increasing the scope of your research opportunities. You can replicate real-world scenarios; performing tests in the same temperature and conditions as production could take place in. This provides the most accurate results and relevant data for your clients. The PAPT 3 is independent of your production line, meaning that setup involved before testing is minimal.

The Smithers difference
Our experts are available to not only help perform initial installation and setup of the machine, but also to offer training on how to maximise the potential of the PAPT 3 for your business.

For more information and details on how to purchase your own PAPT 3 machine, please contact our team.

Download our poster below:

Characterisation of hot melt adhesive bonding systems poster

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